Traffic Control Box Art Needed in Neighborhood of the Arts

Here is a great opportunity for our local artists to help improve the quality of life in our community. Please take a moment to review the request for proposals that appears below and feel free to pass it on to area artists.



Harry B. Bronson

Member of Assembly, 131st District


Neighborhood of the Arts | Traffic Control Box Art Project



The Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association in conjunction with the Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association seeks to commission completed art work on four (4) metal traffic control boxes along University Avenue from Gleason Works (1000 University Avenue) to the Culver Road intersection.

The main purpose of this project is to beautify the public right-of-way. The project will also serve as an opportunity for artists to gain experience and exposure from a public art project. 





The mission of the Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association is to bring businesses and city government together in the work of creating a vibrant commercial arts district distinguished by the neighborhood's unique character. The Traffic Control Box Art Project, similar to other such projects in Rochester, makes use of functional objects along University Avenue while increasing the area's visual interest to pedestrians and motorists. The project has the following goals:

  1. enhance the commercial district

  2. create visual interest along University Avenue, in keeping with the neighborhood's character

  3. celebrate local artists and provide a showcase for their talent

  4. attract visitors to the area


In addition, the artwork may act as a deterrent to graffiti and other undesirable uses of the control boxes, including displaying public flyers or other non-approved advertisements.





The design of the artwork should be appropriate for use in the public right-of-way and should also celebrate the surrounding area. There are no stipulations regarding theme; however, one of the goals of the project is to create cohesiveness along the avenue. The judging committee (as discussed later) will take theme into account when reviewing submissions.


Although the Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association and the Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association do not endorse any restrictions on any particular artistic content, the project's selection panels will consider the fact that children and adults from many cultures and sectarian backgrounds will see and interact with this art. In addition, color and design selection should take into account both natural lighting of the daytime hours and artificial lighting during the night.

Deterioration over time may be expected. If possible, the artist may be contacted to make repairs to his or her work at a fee schedule that will be agreed upon at a later date.




The traffic control boxes are at the following locations:


1)    Gleason Parking Lot

2)    1033 University Avenue

3)    Granger Street

4)    Culver Rd. by HSBC






All traffic control boxes will be cleaned and primed before the artist commences work. Upon completion, the control box will be clear-coated with an appropriate varnish to preserve the work.






This request for proposals is open to all artists, age 18 and over, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, or any other status protected by federal and state law. Teams of artists are welcome to apply.

Note, however, that stipends will be awarded on a project basis, not per person. Artists may also submit multiple entries. If multiple entries are submitted, the artist must submit a complete application with each submission.





Each artist whose work is selected will be awarded a stipend of $400 per box upon completion of work. Supply costs will be reimbursed out of a total supply budget of $500 (approximately $125 per box).  

Awards and reimbursement will be managed by the Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association and the Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association. There is no reimbursement for expenses incurred to submit applications to this project.




There will be two selection panels. The initial selection will be made by members of the Neighborhood of the Arts Business and Neighborhood Associations. The artists selected by the initial panel then may be requested to submit additional work, such as more detailed drawings, descriptions or models of the proposed artwork. The final selection will be made by a panel of community stakeholders and may include local officials, business owners and community leaders.


Selection criteria may include (but are not limited to):

  1. artistic merit as evidenced by submitted materials

  2. fulfillment of the design standards listed above in this request for proposals

  3. professional qualifications

  4. ability to undertake and complete the project

  5. experience working with community organizations





October 12, 2011: Request for Proposals announced.

December 12, 2011: Postmark deadline for application materials & design submissions.

January 31, 2012: Artists are notified of their status after initial selection process.

March 2012: Artists advancing in the selection process may be requested to submit additional materials.

April, 2012: Artists are notified of their status after final selection process.

May, 2012: Traffic control boxes are prepped for work to begin.

June 2012: Art work begins.

August 2012: All work complete and celebrated with a community event.

Stipends will be paid at time of completion of each box.





Please submit the following information to make known your interest in completing this project:

  1. Application Cover Sheet (below)

  2. Letter (1 page maximum) explaining your interest in and qualifications for this project

  3. Illustration(s) of your design concept (2-3 pages maximum, 8.5" X 11" recommended)

  4. Additional visual support material and/or illustrations of past work (electronic submissions allowed or list locations of public work)

  5. Artistic or professional resume (for artist teams, each member must submit)

  6. Written project proposal (1 page maximum) detailing your design theme, plan, timeline, and other information pertinent to successful completion

  7. Three references: names and contact information of persons who know you well and support your artistic work.

  8. List of materials you will need and estimated costs

Note: All materials submitted become the property of the Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association and the Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association.


Please deliver all materials by December 12 to: for electronic applications


Neighborhood of the Arts

Traffic Control Box Art Submissions

110 Tarrytown Road

Rochester NY 14618


Questions may be directed to Janet Collinge (Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association)




Neighborhood of the Arts | Traffic Control Box Art Project



Please type (this document is available in MS Word) or print clearly!

Name ­­­­­




Email Address


Phone # 1                                            Phone # 2


Website or other Internet content that you wish to share such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook





Please submit your materials in the following order, and use the list below to ensure you have included all requirements in your submission.

  1. Application Cover Sheet

  2. Letter of Interest

  3. Illustration(s) of proposed art

  4. Additional visual support materials and/or illustrations of other work

  5. Artistic and/or professional resume (teams, please submit a resume for each member)

  6. Design proposal

  7. List of three references including names and contact information


By submitting interest in the above-described project, you agree to all terms and condition outlined in the Request for Proposals.  



Please deliver all materials by December 12 to: for electronic applications




Neighborhood of the Arts

Traffic Control Box Art Submissions

110 Tarrytown Road

Rochester NY 14618


Questions may be directed to Janet Collinge (Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association)